Heh. It has been a long time since I have posted one of these. A very long time. But it seems that I am in the mood to write, and Freckle Face is making me crazy talking about his latest game on Scratch. I figured that I could combine the two into a post.

I have decided not to limit Freckle Face when it comes to computer time. This may seem crazy because we have all learned through various other mommy bloggers that screens are evil and they keep us from developing real relationships with other people.


I limited my oldest son on the computer. It didn’t teach him anything except that the computer was where he really wanted to be. He didn’t need to learn how to discipline himself because I did that for him.  I don’t want to throw him under the bus here. I am just sharing what I have learned for myself. Some things that I have noticed.  

At some point, your kids are going to do what they want. I am just saying.

And so, Freckle Face has a lot of access to the computer. He has been working very hard on creating his own computer games on Scratch. (If your kids like computer games, this is a fantastic site to introduce them to programming. It is drag and drop. Freckle Face loves it.) In fact, I am so tired of hearing about his coding that I almost miss Pokémon. Wait. No, I don’t.

He will work for hours on a game, and then he goes outside. He will watch a movie with us. He will go to the store with me. If a friend shows up at the door, he closes the computer.  I don’t know, this whole thing seems to be working out very well.

I am not arguing about how many more minutes he gets on the computer. It is so nice. Maybe this is me getting tired. My mom always told me that she was tired as my younger sister entered her teenage years. It could be that.

And so I confess that I am THAT mom. The one who lets her kid play on the computer. A lot.

If you want to check out one of Freckle Face’s games, check out Red’s Amazing Awesome Extreme Epic Platformer. .(I think he likes adjectives.)